Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Five Bothers-Penelope Douglas ARC Review

Undecided about rating about 3.5 -4 

After reading Tryst six venom I was intrigued by the Jaeger brothers and I was excited when Pen announced she will be writing a story about them but then I read the premise of the book I was like 😬 oh no this can be very good or very bad. 

But is there one thing I love about Penelope is how she captives you with her writing. The way she has a gift to create worlds and characters that pull you in and make you crave for more. She is like a spider weaving her web to trapped you, she is that good at her craft. 

While I was nervous based on how this turned out because I’ll be honest I didn’t love Credence I liked it and finish it but is not my favorite and to my disappointment it seemed Five Brothers was heading that route but as I say can’t say no to Pen Douglas book and I was surprised that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, as I said before Pen has a way to perfectly create this worlds  that you can’t help but to get immersed in it and that’s what happened. I won’t lie and say this book has similarities with Credence because it does but in a way it also feels different. Each character here has weaknesses and strengths, the story is a multi POV so is amazing to be able to get into the head of the characters and be able to read and  either hate them or be on their side rooting for them but also experience how much they care and love each other  but also how much they struggle. This isn’t just Kirsjen love story; is about a family and their town fighting for each other. 

Overall while i didn’t love it, I like it much more than Credence and it was an enjoyable read and i can’t wait to explore more  of the Bay and their characters specifically Dallas and Callum. I’m itching to read about them specially after that teaser at the end I’m wishing and hoping they are next book because I hate for Pen to keep dragging their story. I you love Credence and darkness of the Devil’s Night series you’ll definitely love this one. O