Thursday, June 27, 2024

Salacious Park Avenue Prince- Brooke Blaine and Ella Frank Book Review



What happens after a night of fun and tequila awakes something unexpected but also shatters a special bond? 

This is fifth book of the park Avenue princes and personally my most anticipated story of the whole series because is the story of our favorite slow burn pair Caleb and Travis ✨

If you been following the series you probably also got hooked when they were introduced and those moments throughout the series got me more and more exciting to read about them and it made you wonder what happen between them  that cause such a dislike but at the same time feel that longing between them. Fast forward to the blurb reveal and in a way it make sense but I knew there was more to it and I was not surprised that yes indeed there was so much more

I loved it!!! The wait was worth it. Ella and Brooke keep delivering with each installment and this was no different, Salacious Park Avenue Prince was everything. A sprinkle of angst, funny, spicy and sweet. After years of  “hatred” their parents had enough and forced them to live together forcing them not only to share space but to open old wounds but maybe also finally heal them.  I loved the journey of Caleb and Travis it was hard to read at first to learn about their fallout why it happened and how their reactions  shatter that bond they had. To read  that they weren’t only stepbrothers but Best Friends who missed each other but were too stubborn and hurt to see what was right in front of them, until that moment they finally did which was just perfect, The flashbacks were great addition to the story to fully understand each of their actions I’m glad both Ella and Brooke added that. Although this contain the stepbrother trope I feel like it wasn’t heavily emphasized it could have easily been best friends to enemies to lovers, so for those who are not into that trope I will definitely read it. 

Overall it was an amazing story well worth the wait,  Caleb and Travis were perfect for each other and definitely deserved their HEA and I’m glad I can finally read it. 

Now onto our next Park Avenue Prince the notorious James Easton which I’m both excited and but also scared of what to expect as I have some theories about his story but i definitely cannot wait to read what Ella and Brooke come up with ✨

***Thank you to both Authors and Foreword PR for providing a copy for an honest review***