Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hello! (Update)

Hello, lovely people

I wanted to post an update and apologize on why  I haven’t been posting since I think last year. The reason is life got in the way and with life issues comes stress therefore my mental health was all over the place still kind of is but I’m fighting through it.

One thing that my stress affected  was reading, picking up a book became a chore rather than enjoyment to my mind, I was having difficulty finishing books, loving books. It just wasn’t the same anymore  after that I made the decision stop reading for a while but I kind of missed the feeling of getting lost in a books but since my reading mojo was a bit down I became a bit picky on choosing my next read because before my stress kick in i did have trouble finishing books, many of the books I read before either had some kind of pattern  or just were the same old same nothing new or exciting.  Books that I see today have the same repetitive plots, bully, love triangle or harem or fake something. Not saying their bad at all ,  some of my favorite books have the same troupes but it was just kind of repetitive for me like when vampires and BDSM became the IT thing to write. But like I say I missed reading a good book at night or those days that a book is all you need. To make short , Nowadays I just pick books that either I know I will enjoy or just want to try out and that is also I thing I’ve been doing with Reviews tours or Blitz tours, I still want to support authors but only if I know I have the time and know that is a book I will be interested In not just for the “free book” .  And that has helped me enjoy reading once again, and it boost my mind to feel relax and good. One thing I love about books was that it show me another world, I learned through a characters experience, that I can free me from a bad reality but it has the power to open my eyes to bad realities in life. 

Expect some reviews this week and coming moths since some of my favorite authors are having amazing releases. I will try to post reviews on books that I read and are already out, also new and upcoming books. I’m very excited to get back here and share more with you all. I promise I will try to be a bit more constant, maybe share more bad reviews usually here I only share my good reads and  post either my DNF or low rating books on my Goodreads but will try to mix it up once in a while. 

Thank you,
Itzel 🦋