Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Hello, I know it’s been some time since I last updated my blog, I had a some rough times that I will dive into later but  if you still here thank you but Today I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what I feel we all need to be aware of , it’s a topic that is widely known but not fully understood.  Today  I want to share why it matters and why we need a change in the system that keeps segregation in place. 

For many 2020 was the year that we all were waiting for , the beginning of a new decade and many milestones that we were hoping for.  2020 was for sure “THE YEAR”  It brought us a pandemic that was an eye opening on how fragile our healthcare system was, our society and our governments, but 2020 is not done opening our eyes on another pandemic that is been around us for years , is roaming in our household, our schools, our jobs, our government, the whole world, a disease that  each year seems to get stronger, it penetrates our minds and hearts. A silent killer. This pandemic is know a RACISM , DISCRIMINATION and HATE. It has affect it us since forever because it a human creation on what we think is right. I just can’t understand why we still need to be educated on how to treat a human being. On why 400 years have passed and nothing has changed

Racism is not only an America problem, is a world problem it affect us all we need to first understand that in fact is a disease that we as human have the cure but ignore it. We humans have divided the ONLY race the HUMAN RACE into different races by the pigment of our skin, and not only that by our income, our jobs, our education by our Privileged. We sometimes think privilege is a word that defines our wealth but is not. Privilege is a word that defines how we are treated in society according to the profile that is deem perfect by society.  A profile that we don’t fit in because we sometimes lack the “right” pigmentation in our skin. We have normalize words that were used to hurt and humiliate people, just because you hear it in a song it doesn’t mean you have to used it or say it. We use stereotypes to define people, when  did we become GOD to judge people, to point a finger to take a life. I don’t understand why those who take an oath to protect us are the first to  persecute base on a profile of pure stereotypes. 

When will it be ENOUGH to stop this disease for us human to understand that we all deserve to be respected to be treated equally just because our skin might be different shade it doesn’t mean we are from another planet that requires for you to treated us differently. We are not born racist be are taught to be racist and to hate what it doesn’t look what you deem perfect. How many more years, How much more violence, how many more deaths will it take for you to open your eyes to see the problem we have. It’s time to burst that bubble and realize that the is a problem and stop ignoring it. If you vote, make sure you are not voting for person just because they bears the tittle of the party you support but on what He/She want for the county. Do they want to make it better or worse, if their values are the same in private as well as public. If you say or think #Alllivesmatter yes it’s true  but we are not there yet, we haven’t crossed that phase and we won’t until  #BLACKLIVESMATTER, until we stop discriminating people based on their skin color, religion, language or country they are born. Until we stop killing black people based on stereotypes or hatred, All lives won’t matter. 

Here I will link some helpful links to educate ourselves on how we can help change and achieve equality for all lives.