Thursday, September 5, 2024

Maybe You- Briar Prescott

What happens when the only rule is not to fall in love. Will you dare to break it? 

Is officially I’m Briar obsessed and certified fan. 

Let me star by saying this book was incredible from start to finish.   I was a roller coaster of emotions I was Laughing one minute swooning the next and ultimately crying because although Briar is the queen of banter she can also break your heart but she sure knows how to put it back together. 

This the story of Wren and Sutton 

after funny encounter with Sutton both because somewhat friends, and Wren discover there is more to Sutton than meets the eye, he makes him feel safe and comfortable enough to ask him to become friends with benefits his so tired of his insecurities and just  wants to be free of that and who better than Sutton whose only rule is not too fall in love . I just love Wren his i think out of all the characters I felt more connected with him because I too feel insecure that has held me back from just being me and I was so happy when he was brave enough to fight that and let go of what we holding him back. And Sutton I gotta say I was bit disappointed that we didn’t get his POV because he’s so great underneath all that cockiness and attitude there was some darkness that he was fighting but goodness he was just perfect for Wren they way he say not fall in love but couldn’t help it. I just love it and wish I got to get more than one chapter in his POV. 

Overall this book is beautiful, The entire series is just amazing. The characters, their stories are beautifully done. Please read it you won’t regret it. 

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