Saturday, March 20, 2021

Curse of Dark Prince ( The Prince’s Assassin #3)- Ariana Nash


After all the heartache we all have went through we have finally reached the epic conclusion of Niko and Vasili. 

But just because we have reached the end it doesn’t mean the author doesn’t put us and the characters through the wringer. If one thing I can say for sure is that this trilogy will make you feel like your on a rollercoastar of emotions. 

There is so much revelations that I can’t really find the words to describe the plot without giving away spoilers. But one thing I can say Is that one of my most favorite things was Vasili POV is was amazing, since the moment I read about him I wanted to more about him so I was way too excited to read about him. And Niko what can I say his love for Vasili  was everything. I was so emotionally invested in them 

Ariana Nash is one of those authors that knows how to deliver a well written and heartfelt story that will take you on epic wild ride. The characters will make you hate them , love them and cry for them and with them.  The Prince’s Assassin trilogy is that and more and the conclusion is one that I’m happy with it sure was a wild ride but well worth it. 

If you love Silk & Steel series or just love epic stories then this should be your next read.