Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Burn - J.C. Emery

The wait was worth it Burn (Bayonet Scars#5) was just plain awesome, I'm in love with this book.

Ian and Mindy's story was just perfect, in my own opinion the best couple and story in the series so far.

If you follow the series (which you should) you know that Mindy suffered a terrible violent attack that left her broken, but even with all the pain she suffered the only light within her was Ian "the biker in shining armor" willing to do anything for her . The connection they both had was just incredibly beautiful you could feel every word that it was written, their story is just magnificent and my favorite of them all, in fact it was very hard to get through the last page but I was content with the end because Ian and Mindy overcome many things through out the story and for that I was glad, she was a sweet and strong women that overcome a terrible thing and Ian was this though and sweet man that finally let a little bit of darkness go and allow himself to feel love and happiness with Mindy.

I love it so much that I wish it was longer and had larger epilogue or something I hope J.C. writes a novella about them like she did with Ryan and Alex ;). I love how J.C. is building Mancuso's Fall is very intense to read and I can't wait for more.