I remember when this book was released it was all over my feed with recommendations and on the book groups as well praising it but I had a stressful December and beginning of the year that I didn’t pick it up and just put on my TBR but suddenly i remember it and went to get right away after I saw another review and all I can say is thank you to all that rave about it and to the author because it was amazing 6 stars 10 even this is the kind of story that gets in your feels, plays with your emotions but also soothe them.
This is the story of Sean and Jack both Footballers that play for the same team both have a tricky history that plays a big part when Sean suffers an accident that wipes two years of his memories where Jack was not just a teammate or someone Sean hates but more.
We were lovers was a roller coaster of emotions I felt sad, frustrated, happy, mad and all over again. This mostly told from Sean pov but there is also a Jack chapters which I’m thankful because throughout the story you feel like Sean frustrated and lost of what actually happened on those two years what kind of relationship they had and why is Jack hiding so yes I was very happy when I read jacks explanation because it all come together in the end.
Overall I love this books is probably one of my favorite books of the year so thank you again for the recommendation.